Monday, May 9, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday!

I have a couple of things to share...

First is the postcard that I made for the
Paper Whimsy Spring Friends Postcard Project.
I mail off mine to one of the participants,
and another person mails hers to me.
It was fun to be in a Paper Whimsy project again,
it's been awhile, and they are such a nice group of people.

Secondly, here is the matchbox I received from my partner, Cassie,
in JoAnn's "Things with Wings" matchbox swap:

Lots of fun things: a nest charm, word charms, tiny bottles of glitter,
cool ribbon, a nest which is not in the picture,
and more...Thanks so much, Cassie!

Lastly, the annual "artwalk" was held in San Diego this past weekend...
it is an annual festival featuring over 300 artists.
And beautiful jewelry!
There was also live music, good food, and a lot of this...


And while I did not get any good pictures of the art,
I did get these lovely pictures of
blossoming jacaranda trees in downtown San Diego...

They usually don't bloom until late May, early June...must be all the rain!

And I wish you could smell the star jasmine everywhere...heavenly!



  1. Lorraine, the pictures of the jaccaranda are gorgeous!

    Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day ~
    TTFN ~

    5 Day GIVEAWAY, pop over.


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥