Friday, June 3, 2011

Spring Inspiration Matchbox Swap

Hmmph! I scheduled this post way back,
as you can tell from the Mother's Day reference.

For some reason it did not post as scheduled,
and I didn't catch it.

But I'm still lovin' the matchboxes!!
And a they make for a lovely post for Pink Saturday!

What a Mother's Day treat it was, as I received BOTH of my matchboxes from Heather's Spring Inspiration Matchbox Swap this weekend! On the same day!

I received this box from Tabitha:

How cute is that little shoe?!

And this lovely box from Heather:

Look at that adorable china doll head and the little cherub:

Thank you Heather and Tabitha so much, I love everything!
Can't wait til the next swap, I am hooked on trading matchboxes!

Head on over to Pink Saturday
for more pink loveliness!



  1. They are both beautiful. I think your matchboxes must be so much larger than ours here in Australia...because that little shoe is bigger than our matchboxes which only measure about and inch and a half long by about half and inch high and we would not be able to get hardly anything inside ours.

  2. Beautiful little pieces of art! Thanx for sharing. Tiff

  3. I sure enjoy those matchbox swaps! Very pretty and fun goodies inside.

  4. I really enjoyed your post. Never in a million years would I think to decorate a matchbox...I have the creativity of a gnat! Wonderful little pieces...

  5. your petite boxes are so lovely! I also participated in that swap.... my very first matchbox swap; didn't know you could fit so much "stuff" into those little things! :)

  6. Happy Pink Saturday!

    These boxes are really cute!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  7. Love your little matchboxes. I hope we continue to find these fabulous swaps. We have been so lucky to meet other artists across the country in to trade with. And I am so lucky to live in San Diego with you and to explore and create together. I had a great time yesterday! Happy Pink Saturday! ~Marti

  8. Your little matchboxes are wonderful! Aren't swaps so much fun?! Happy Pink Saturday!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  9. I love those matchboxes..they could become addicting!
    Happy Pink Saturday..xo Tami

  10. Happy Pink Saturday :)
    Inspirational - that is my view on those matchboxes, stunning.

  11. Hi, You lucked out there lady. They both are lovely.

    Stay in the pink



Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥