Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pink Saturday, Sunsets and Blackout and Freebies

Happy Pink Saturday and Welcome new followers! And everyone :)

Strange goings on in Southern California...
First, there was RAIN on Labor Day :O
Followed by a week of 100 degree temperatures and 90 degree humidity!
It did make for some lovely warm Summer evenings
and for beautiful sunsets like this:

Oh yes, and then the Blackout!

I felt so cut off from the rest of the world...the radio in my car didn't work because the radio stations didn't have cell phone didn't work even though it's WiFi...our phones are on electric chargers, and because they were out of juice we couldn't use we really had no idea as to the extent of the outage or when it would be fixed...

We still can't use water from the faucet without boilng it for one minute.

Here's a couple of images to get you started on your Halloween crafting:

Click, right click and save!

Have a great weekend, and visit Pink Saturday to view some lovely pinkness.


  1. I'm pretty sure that the song from the '60's said 'it never rains in southern California'? Or was that a fib?

    Oh, dear. You've had a bad time of it without electricity. It is interesting to know how dependant we are on it when it's not on, isn't it? Like you enter a room and turn on the switch...and then realize there isn't any.

    BUT, your candles are divine. And thanks for the free images. They are too sweet!


  2. Your sunset photos are absolutely gorgeous! I used to live in California and always enjoy seeing photos from there. We have a couple of other things in common - I am crazy for cats, arts & crafts, thrifting, etc. P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  3. It's another Pink Saturday...and I pray each one of you will have a great week-end..and even some pink sugary fun! God Bless you

  4. Those sunset pictures are amazing! I don't think I have ever seen the sky look so pink. Your photographs really captured the beauty of the moment.

    Happy Pink Saturday and best wishes for a great week.


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥