Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas in NYC and Tinsel Trading Company!

We had a wonderful time in NYC!! Short but oh so sweet!

Travel was a breeze. And the weather, well...

just look at that beautiful sky!

A few sights around the city...

Oh, yes, a trip to Tinsel Trading Company...

As if there aren't enough reasons to love Tinsel Trading Company,
they had Christmas items on sale before Christmas!
I snagged this little guy:

Wishing you all happy, healthy, blessed New Year!

Click to enlarge, right click and save!

Visit Pink Saturday for some pink holiday loveliness!


  1. Lorraine you looked as if you had a ball .. tinsle trading my favroite store of all times.. and you took photos ... hubby tells me I can't take photos in the store .. I'm not listening to him again

  2. oh fabulous photos ! and Tinsel Trading company oh my ... thanks for sharing and have a very blessed New Year!

  3. What a wonderful trip you had and I loved your photos! Enjoyed your blog very much!
    Happy New Year and hope it is filled with many blessings...Sandi

  4. Thank you for this grand New York tour. I have never been there. At least I have a glimpse of what it is like.

  5. Lorraine, what a wonderful trip and what stunning photographs! A trip to New York City, not a better time than Christmas time! And Tinsel Trading Co. now neat!! Thank you for sharing. I'm so happy I found your great blog.

    Happy New Year~

  6. Lorraine, Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos of NY they are magical. Thanks for your visit and comment. Wishing you a Happy New Year!
    Warmly, Linda

  7. I love going to the city at Christmas time-there's nothing like it!
    Happy New Year Lorraine!

  8. Soo pretty!

    My PINK, please come and see. Have a happy new year!

  9. What Wonderful photographs. Happy New Year to you!

  10. Happy New Year. I hope yours is full of joy, peace, love and creativity!

  11. Oh, we LOVE Tinsel Trading Co. How fortunate to get a visit. Happy New Year!

  12. Loved the tour of NYC in all it's Christmas finery...Looks like you had a great trip. Happy New Year!

  13. I LOVE your trip to NY. You photos are fabulous and I felt I was with you. Oh the fun you must have had. I had not heard of Tinsel Trading but now I am really intrigued. I would have gone crazy in there.

    Also I want to thankyou for coming to visit my blog and leave a comment. That means alot to me.

    I'm now following you. Its just so fun to be here.


  14. Hi Lorraine! Thank you for your visit to my blog! OMG, I just did a post on New Year's in NYC - so I recognize those places on your blog post! :) From SoCal too! :) Anyway, Happy New Year & HPS to you!!!


  15. Looks like a fabulous trip-loved seeing the photos! Happy New Year to you!

  16. Oh goodness! It looks like you had a a fabulous time! Yay for you! I hope to visit T.T. some day too.
    Happy New Year to you!

  17. What a beautiful blog! Wishing you a Happy New Year and hope all your dreams come true in 2012!

  18. Happy Pink Saturday and best wishes for a very happy New Year. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special. I count you among my blessings.

    What a wonderful trip to the city. Some day I hope to go during the holidays.

  19. Oh my one of my dreams is to visit this over the top city! What delightful photos you have shared brimming with life! Happy New Year.

  20. Oh Lorraine You Lucky Girl! Tinsel Trading Co! You and Wendy Both! I would Love to go But am so Thankful you took Wonderful Pictures so we all could have a Little Peek!
    Thank You for Sharing!
    Happy Tuesday!

  21. Thanks for sharing a trip to such a fabulous store! Only in my dreams would I go there!! Happy New Years!

  22. wow, i remember going to NYC 4 years ago and this one is just lively than way back I was there. Hope to see you in my Pink Saturday entries one and two. Happy New Year!


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥