Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Soooo...you may be thinking,
I see Lorraine's been busy making lots of valentines...
I'll bet she's received some pretty sweet valentines
from her swap partners.
Well, yes...yes I have!
Here's a little gallery of the beautiful valentines
I received from my lovely swap partners at Paper Whimsy.

From Julie Loeschke:

From Alison Kissling:

From Trish Duncan:

From Mary Ann Severin:

From Marti McClure:

From Heather Corn:

From Carolyn Huber:

From Chris Thuerk:

From Wendy Aspinall:

From Sandy Scholz:

Thank you all, ladies, I haven't gotten this many valentines since fifth grade!!
Which was, um, a while ago! :)

You can see the valentines I made by clicking on the picture:

Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

Click to enlarge, right click and save!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day Lorraine! Gorgeous valentines!

  2. Aren't they all just too gorgeous for words!
    What a talented bunch of friends you have.

  3. Thanks for stopping by highpointcircle and leaving a sweet comment. I love knowing that someone is reading and I love your vintage looking Valentine's--they are the best, right?

  4. oh these are all so sweet! lucky YOU! merci for stopping by and saying hello. Now I am YOUR newest follower! Nice to meet you lorraine! :)

  5. Loved seeing your fabulous Valentines...so gorgeous and beautifully created. TFS. I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well on my blog at http://atastefultouch.blogspot.com
    Hugs, Gayle.

  6. Hi Lorraine~~!

    You won the Romantic Living Magazine on my blog :)
    Can you email me your address so I can send it out to you!

    Love all your valentines!

    Kay Ellen

  7. All the Valentines are scrumptious! You ladies are very talented indeed.

  8. So many pretty Valentines. Cant pick a favorite. Love your swapped ones too. You are a lucky girl! take care , gerri

  9. Belated Valentine greetings. These are simply gorgeous -- those you gave, those you received! How delightful to revel in the beauty of your blog!

  10. Hi,
    I'm your newest follower! I think your blog is just darling, and then I saw my button on it and was so excited. I am honored to have a place on your blog. Thank you. I'm looking forward to reading older posts whenever I get a spare minute!!! So nice to meet you!

  11. Hello there! You stopped by my blog a while ago (the 10th) and I'm finally making it back to say "hello" and thanks. Wow! These valentines are such a treat to see. You all made some beauties :-) too fun

  12. What a fun swap. They are some pretty talented artists as are you.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!



Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥