Thursday, May 31, 2012

Elegant Pincushions, Altered Journal, Freebies!!

Hello Friends!  
Where have I been...
Well...I was kidnapped for a week or so by Pinterest;
 my husband paid the ransom,
mainly because I was too busy pinning to make dinner,
I am now free to blog again : D
At least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!!

I am hosting a swap, for the first time ever,
on the Marie Antoinette MailArt Group:
Marie's Elegant Pincushions!
Here are a few samples I made up...
these are so fun and addicting!


They are so much fun to work with,
using all the stuff we love to collect and embellish with: 
vintage salt cellars, napkin rings, tiny punch cups,
 demi-tasse cups, tiny creamers, cordial glasses, etc.
laces, trims, tassels, fringe, ribbons, etc.
charms, pearls, buttons, etc.
and etc. :D
It will be so much fun to see what these very talented ladies create!

Another venture in the works is trying to establish a local swap group
with my partner in crime, Marti,
at our local favorite store, Paper Tales.
Our first swap will be an altered journal,
and I am hoping to tempt prospective members with:
We are hoping to connect with other arty crafters in the San Diego area
who share a love for vintage, Frenchy, girly arty crafts.
I love my online swap groups
and have connected with so many lovely people,
and I would love to find some local crafters...
it would be so much fun to get together in person!

Tomorrow I am going to the fabulous
Vintage Marketplace in Rainbow, CA.
I expect I'll have some gorgeous pics to share with you. ;)
I will leave you with a pic of some fabulous hydrangeas
I put in this year:

And....your Friday freebies:
Click to enlarge, right click and save!
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday.
Lovely, cottagey links at Feathered Next Friday!
Party on at a very pinteresting party at Tutus and Tea Parties!
And for all things lovely and vintage, visit Knick of Time!
Thank you for visiting, and have a great weekend!


  1. The pin cushions are just delightful, each and every one.

  2. Hi my sweet Lorriane,

    I´m so happy that I became one of yours.
    These are all a dream. So lovely idea. Thanks also for the inspiration.

    Have a sunny weekend my dear friend and thanks for the freebies. xoxo

  3. lorraine what beautiful pincushions
    just gorgeous.. will you put them in your etsy? i would love one
    big ladybug hugs

  4. Hi Lorraine, have to say anything made with lace is a them all.

  5. I think those of you who live in San Diego have it good! Such pretties -- and fun playmates, too!

  6. Those are gorgeous! I am your new follower.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Very pretty! I am now your follower. It would great to have you join my blog too.

    Come and join me with my Color Connection meme through my PINK entry. Hope you join the fun!

  9. Very pretty, Lorraine. I love the lacy cupcakes! Happy Pinks and thanks for your visit.


  10. Lorraine, Thanks for stopping by Riverside Studios this Pink Saturday. Your pincushions are just beautiful! and the freebies are a fun bonus! Have a Pink week. See you next Saturday.

  11. Lorraine, what beautiful pincushions! What a statement they all make grouped together.

  12. Those pin cushions are to pretty to stick pins in. If I had one, would enjoy seeing it catch dust.

  13. I'm looking for the exact same thing in My area.If We were a little bit closer I would go for it in a flash.Just found your blog.We seem to have a lot in common in our interest,so I'm your new follower.I'm in Rancho Cucamonga,not way too far away :) I'm coming from Beverly Pink Sat.also.Denise's Delights in her Coffeeberry Cottage.

  14. What a gorgeous blog! Your treasures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well on my blog at
    Hugs, Gayle.

  15. Lorraine Im in Vista where in SD are you? I may be interested in a swap group or craft get togethers. Im also in the Marie swap group. Love your pincushions!

  16. I can see why you are addicted to making those gorgeouw pincushions. I wish I was in your local area to join your journal swap. It looks beautiful.

  17. Oh how cute. I wonder if those wouldn't be a fun and not too difficult craft for a little girls tea party! Thanks for the fun idea.

  18. Lorriane,
    These pin cushions are stunning.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you are able to get some people interested in your swap group there in your hometown.
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. gorgeous creations! thank you for the freebies! xo


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥