Friday, November 2, 2012

Marie Cake and Cake Toppers!

Hello Friends!

And Happy Birthday to Marie,
it's the big 257!!

The Marie Antoinette group has been celebrating all month
with lots of fun swaps, and I'd like to share with you
some creations I made to celebrate Marie's birthday.

Marti hosted a cake box swap;
we created our boxes from a template,
used pretty papers, lace, ribbons, and other embellishments
to adorn it,
and filled it with fun crafting goodies!
I made this cake box for my partner, Thespa:

And Debi hosted a cake topper swap.
I made mine a bit differently...
I made the base out of an empty ribbon spool,
wrapped in paper, trim and festooning,
and mounted it on a candlestick that I glittered and sealed.
This cake topper went to my partner, JoAnne:

This is the beautiful cake topper that JoAnne made for me:

It's beautiful, JoAnne, thank you so much!!

It's been a fun month, seeing everyone's creations.

Now, time for some freebies:

A little birthday sentiment:

Marie herself:

And something seasonal:

Click to enlarge, right click and save!
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday.
Thanks so much for visiting, and have a great weekend!


  1. Happy Marie's Birthday Lorraine! It's been wonderful celebrating with you. Great minds think alike...check out my post today,lol.

  2. Beautiful! My mother is in love with all things Paris and would just adore an Eiffel tower upon her cake...

  3. Hi Lorraine, I love your cake box and love your beautiful cake topper. Happy Birthday to Marie, have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri

  4. Well Lorraine I already thanked Marti for reminding me of Marie's birthday. I ran out and purchased her some lovely truffles and cookies right away. I do hope she likes them!! I know I like your projects. All of you did a great job. I love to be inspired by others. Thx for sharing.


  5. Hi Lorraine, This has been such a fun month, working together and creating so many different items for Marie's celebration. Thanks for all of your inspiration! Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  6. New follower. Love everything!! All that creativity and talent!! Amazing!

  7. Wow! Those are some beautiful cake decorations. I love seeing art celebrating Marie. Wonderful work! Happy Pink Saturday.

  8. Your cake toppers and cake box are adorable...Bella, Bella!!!
    Great job!
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  9. I love your Marie box and cake topper and the post too. take care, Darlene

  10. Love, love both of the cake toppers, lovely.
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hi Lorraine,
    What a gorgeous cake box and a wonderful swap.Thanks for playing in my giveaway and for posting on your sidebar.Unfortunately the photo is from Rhonda's giveaway.
    Good luck to you.
    Have a great weekend.
    XO Marie

  12. Hi Lorraine, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from the Pinteresting Party.

    Love the look of everything here! So vintage, so pink, so pretty!

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you’ve never visited yet, I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

  13. Love it! SO pretty! Happy bday :) Would love it if you linked up on my blog hop Also let me know if you'd like to follow each other!

  14. These are all so pretty! Ah, Marie!

  15. I'm back to look at this post again.
    It is adorable.
    You rock!!!
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  16. Весь говорят который тянуть невозможно, все говорят который пить возбраняется, все говорят который пить противопоказуется, а я говорю что будуу! (с)...., точно со своей расстался - так почти каждый число в говноЩас сижу, на работу приехал прежде, дикое ощущение сколько я до сих пор в говно...Реально пью отдельный сутки, 6 дней из 7-ми я обжираюсь вообще в кал, бухаю прежде 4-5-6 утра и еду на работу...Тут единственно 2 варианта - или я дорвался перед свободы и забухал, иначе я тупо счастье ищу для дне стакана, что именно из этого - не могу никак определиться, потому сколько я каждый число в говно и голова уже не соображает((((Я не знаю зачем я тут весь это пишу, может вопль души, разве тупо поплакаться...не знаю в общем зачем... [url=]самые большие мужчины[/url]

  17. amazing stuff thanx

    My website:


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥