Friday, January 20, 2012

Pink Saturday and Valentines and Valentines!!

Happy Pink Saturday!!
And welcome new followers...
and everyone!

I am in a very fun swap at Paper Whimsy,
yes, you guessed it, VALENTINES!!
Eleven of them!

Soooo, here is a little peekie:

I feel I must explain the soft focus on this photo:

I half-wittedly accidentally left my camera outside in the rain.
Well it wasn't actually raining when I left it outside.
In my defense, I live in San Diego, and we don't have much experience with rain here.
Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Oh! I can't let you leave without a freebie:

or two:

Click to enlarge, right click and save!

After all, I'm sure you have valentines to make also!

Visit Pink Saturday for more pink romance!



  1. Fun swap. Thank you so much for the images, very sweet.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. beautiful valentines I just finish all mine for the swap too ... now they are ready to mail ... wasn't this a fun swap?

    hugs wendy

  3. HPS!

    Such beautiful Valentine's and great for so many different kinds of stationery...


  4. your valentines are absolutely magical. such depth and beauty, wow! i could look at those all day. thanks for the sweet freebies too. happy pink saturday! xo from michele

  5. Absolutely charming Valentines! There is something so enchanting and magical about Valentine's Day and cards. Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. Hi Lauraine, first time visitor to your blog, I am now a follower. Also a MAMA member so I am sure we will see more of each other on the webb. TTFN Wanda

  7. Those re so adorable! Thanks for sharing...Christine

  8. Oh wow, it's all so beautiful!!! I love your Valentine's post!!! It is tres chic!!! XO Cindy

  9. These are sweet little valentines.

  10. Beautiful valentines Lorraine! Thanks for the sweet images!

  11. ohhhh how lovely ! yup rain and San Diego aren't used together that often but the soft focus is nice :))

  12. What a fun swap and what a great idea! I love the beautiful Valentines cards. Sorry about your camera getting wet! Thank you so much for coming to visit and leaving me such lovely comment. Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Great cards! Love the colors! Thanks for the freebies! So glad I saw you at Beverly's Pink Saturday. ~Diane

  14. Lovely Valentines Lorraine and thank you so much for visiting and leaving me comment. Have enjoyed your blog and ohhhhh the music. Take care and Happy Pink Saturday to you, Dru

  15. Love, love, love the Valentines. So happy I will be one of the lucky recipients! Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

  16. Happy Pink Saturday Lorraine, love the Valentines and yes Paper Whimsey has wonderful images and nancy Maxwell James is a just the "best" Have a great weekend, I love them all!

  17. What a fun swap! I love all your valentines, especially the blue one! That ribbon is scrumptious.:)

  18. Lorraine, your post is lovely and the Valentines are fantastic.
    I have given you credit in my blog for last week's Valentines.
    I'm so sorry I neglected to do it.
    I saved them without noting where they came from. Ooops!
    Happy PINK day.

  19. Hi Lorraine! Your artwork is adorable. What talent! Have a great weekend! Sunny

  20. Great valentines for the swap--love them. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment today.

  21. Lorraine, those are so sweet!!! Everyone will be soooo happy in that swap for sure!!!
    And I agree with your story, and I will stick to that too!!!
    Thank you for the freebies! You are so generous!!

  22. What beautiful Valentines! Lorraine, I love the backgrounds and images you used.

  23. Your pictures are lovely. I hope your camera dries out okay. Thanks for the freebie prints!

    I'm late with my Pink Saturday visits, but I hope you had a great one!

  24. OH my goodness your Valentines are just darling! Thank you for the freebie, I am going to snap it up and post it and a link to your blog on my FB page!

  25. Hello, I'm just now trying my hand at creating greeting cards. I usually draw and paint, or make something from nothing, so this is not so hard. In fact I'm quite enjoying myself. Your cards are awesome......hugs, noah

  26. Such a talented lady ..loving the love cards which could be given anytime throughout the year! TFS! and a Happy Pink Saturday to you too!


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥