Tuesday, January 17, 2012

White Wednesday Valentines!!

Welcome and Happy White Wednesday to you all!

I just love vintage valentines,
and thought I'd share these very vintage,
over the top hearts and flowers valentines with you:

Click to enlarge, right click and save!

Perhaps they will inspire you to create your own romantic valentines.
Or you could copy and print, add some glitter and a paper doily, et voila! :)
Thanks for stopping by, and visit White Wednesday for more white loveliness.
Have a great week!



  1. Such lovely vintage Valentines!! Thanks so much for sharing them! Hope you have a lovely week!

  2. Hi Lorraine,
    thanks for sharing your pretty valentines with us.Happy WW.
    XO Marie

  3. what a gorgeous collection you have! sooo pretty! Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

  4. Hi Lorraine,
    Such beautiful Valentines... they sure don't make them like that anymore, Unless you happen to be a Creative Paper type, which I am not~ guess I need to find the few old ones I have that were My Gramma's ... I guess your post has given me a good subject for Vintage Friday Inspiration over a Debra's blog: http://commonground-debrasvintagedesigns.blogspot.com/
    Have a wonderful week

  5. What beautiful Valentines. I love to see how others create and the beauty they make. And...vintage is my thing!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. These are gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing!
    Hugs, Cindy

  7. So beautiful, thank you very much!

  8. Hi Lorraine!
    How fun to get a new follower from Pinterest. Wow!:)
    Thank you of course for your lovely comment.I appreciate that.
    I had to add myself to your blog. Your artwork is gorgeous and so inspirational. I scrolled down and just went wow wow all the time.:)

    Hugs and kisses from Norway.



Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥