Friday, August 17, 2012

The PINK Days of Summer!!

Hello Friends!  
Welcome White Wednesday partiers!
This post is a little to the pink side of white ;)

I can't believe how summer has just flown right by!!
There's still so much more relaxing and fun-having to be done!
Still more pink lemonade drinking, strawberry ice cream eating...
Let's call these last days of August the pink days of summer:
Don't forget the SPF30!
And the Dramamine :)
 This COULD have been me:
Soooo cute!
I want to go there now! 

Pretty towels...



Pink lemonade drinking...

And a beautiful sunset...sigh

OK, yes, these are all from my pinterest board ;)
I hope you all enjoy your last pink days of summer!!

And a freebie:
Click to enlarge, right click and save!
Lots of links to lovely whites at Faded Charm Cottage!

Thanks so much for visiting, and have a great week!


  1. Gorgeous, mouthwatering pinks - love your seaside chair, lemonade and little girl...

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Cute, cute, cute pinks before summer ends!
    Mary Alice

  3. Your post is gorgeous! I was tickled pink just taking this little summer journey with you. Connie :)

  4. I was strolling across the links on Beverly's and chose this b/c of the merry-go-round. I've always loved them. Then, saw it is your blog. Hey!

    I love your pinks today -beautiful and your freebie - precious (I helped myself to it). Thank you.

    It clouded up and tried to rain today - I hope there's still rain in the forecast - we sure need to close the cracks in the ground. Everything's so hot and dry. Not like last year but still hot and dry. Thinking Pink days of summer, could cool it down a bit!

    Enjoyed my visit.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  5. Always a delight to see these gorgeous pink! Catching up with Pink Saturday.

    My PINK
    Your comment is always a treat for me!
    Have a blessed weekend.

  6. Lovely pink post - every photo is a delight to the senses! Happy Pink Saturday to you, Dru

  7. I just wanted to thank you for the sweet comment that you left on my blog. I'm delighted that you like my old galvanized bucket. The best thing about it is that my husband is not ruining my dishtowels now.

    I am your newest follower, and I would be tickled pink if you came back and hit my follow button, too.
    Have a wonderful week, Connie

  8. Oh that pink carousel image takes my breath away! Too lovely!

  9. Darling photos, I can't believe summer is coming to an starts in two weeks for us and fall is around the corner for all of us. The photos are such a sweet reminder of the days of summer! xoxo, tracie


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥