Friday, August 24, 2012

Under the Sea and Mermaids!!

Hello Friends!

I think that for my last post of August,
an "Under the Sea" theme is in order.
And, I have just the thing to share with you!

My adorable goddaughter recently had a baby girl, Zoe.
No pink or prissy nursery for Zoe,
Tricia wanted ocean blues and an "Under the Sea" theme.
Love it!

Similar to my "oui" banners,
I made a "Zoe" one:

And, digging around in Michaels' end-of-summer clearance bins,
I nabbed this wooden "Z" for 25 cents!  It's about 6" high.

It was painted black to begin with,
but I covered the whole thing with book papers,
then decoupaged ocean-y paper on top and embellished with a tiny starfish.

And my favorite is this blossoming box:

I have made several of these boxes and blogged about them here.

It's like a scrapbook in a box; when you lift the top,
the box falls open to reveal 20 "pages" where you can put photos, etc.

There is room in the center of the box for mementos.

I can't wait to see this box filled with pictures of Zoe!!

Friday freebie time...let's stay in the under the sea mood:

Click to enlarge, right click and save!
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday.
Thanks so much for visiting, and have a great weekend!



  1. Love your little mermaids! So sweet, and you don't often see vintage ones like this. You've done a wonderful job with the exploding box, what a lovely keepsake. Happy PS!

  2. Lorraine, Zoe and her mom will treasure the beautiful pieces of art for years to come. They are fabulous! Happy Pink Saturday and aloha my good friend. ~Marti

  3. I love mermaids and I love boxes .. so, I loved this post!!!!! Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Oh, how cute! The mermaids are adorable! I'm sure Zoe will love her gift. Happy Pinks and have a lovely weekend.


  5. How talented and creative you are. All the things you shared are perfect for a shower.

  6. Baby Zoe has a wonderful and talented godmother...everything you made is simply beautiful Lorraine!

  7. These are beautiful creations!!! Your god-daughter is very lucky to have you for her very own "fairy" god-mother - ha, ha. I saw those letters at Michael's too and grabbed a view, the price was too good to pass up! Hope you have a fun Pink Saturday!

  8. Hubby and I were at Joanns this evening and I got some letters but not as good a price as you did. I'm going to froufrou them up and have a giveaway.

    Anyway, sugar, the comment on my blog you made about the laundry room???? Here's a reply to another blogger I made:

    I had a friend who wanted 2 dryers because they had 9 kids. She could wash in one washing machine but that doesn't take as long as drying does. She washed every single day and more than one load, too. She got sick once and I did her laundry for her; I did 13 loads! So, my guess is that homemaker with those 3 appliances had 2 dryers and only 1 washing machine.

    My best friend now had 4 kids and all are gone except one who is going to college in the fall. When you ask her how long it takes for her dryer to dry her clothes she always says 3-4 days because she lets them sit in the dryer until she's good and ready to fold them. LOL My kind of woman, I tell ya. She and I are striving for "slug of the decade" here. I hope I win!


  9. Love your box and the vintage images. Happy PINK Saturday and have a great weekend, Nan

  10. What gorgeous creations!!! Happy Pinki Saturday to you!

  11. Well I loved your OUI banner but the one you created for Zoe is just fabulous! so is the keepsake box.

  12. Some perfect coloring and designs! Love what you crafted! They all look great. What neat colors and theme your goddaughter chose. And, congratulations to you all!

    I am so enjoying the freebies I've picked up from your posts - I have them as part of my desktop photo display just love seeing them. Thanks again!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. I love your banner, in fact I love everything about this post. You did a fabulous job on the "Z", and that box is delightful. Did you buy the box, plain to decorate, or did you make it from scratch? I've never seen one. Thank you so very much for sharing. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!
    Have a great week, Connie :)

  14. Absolutely gorgeous! Hopping a little late from Pink Saturday.

    My PINK, come and see when you get a chance.
    Have a lovely Sunday!

  15. Hi Lorraine, I love your blossoming box and now that I know that you made it from scratch I love it even more. Thank you for the wonderful comment about my hat-stands. I really needed to hear it. Connie :)

  16. Beautiful gifts for the new baby. Thanks for the images and thanks for your visit. Have a wonderful week. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  17. Wow! What a darling box! I'll certainly research that project! And thank you for the great mermaid images! Love mermaids, fairies and gypsies! dix---

  18. wow i luv it...working on ur matchbox and getting some ideas from ur fabulous blog... those images are awesome...thanks doll.hugs

  19. what incredibly beautiful gifts for baby Zoe! wow. thanks for the mermaid freebies. xo

  20. I love your mermaids! I may need to use one to make something for my new granddaughter's nursery. My daughter wanted a pink and turquoise mermaid theme and it's proven harder to do than we thought! We've got the pink and turquoise down but we need mermaids that aren't cartoonish but not too mature - if you know what I mean. She's arriving in 7 weeks so time is running out! Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Love your happy, beautiful posts. My reply to you on my blog (since you have a no reply address)...Thanks so much Lorraine! I totally enjoyed your blog yesterday!


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! It really means so much to me. Have a great day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥